Frater Rene E.J. Vit Scroll #3 Rest in Peace

Fellow fraters:
You have heard from both of the men most responsible for the chartering of Theta Epsilon. Rene and Gary were truly the face and a huge part of the heart of the chapter from its commencement as a fledgling start up organization to a Chartered Chapter. Their energy, creativity and personal class changed forever the nature of Greek organizations on the campus of Humboldt State College. May they both be forever blessed.
David Crane #13
David J. Crane Attorney at Law
Fellow fraters in the bond, I was deeply sadden at the news of Rene’s passing. Rene’ and I were roommates most of the time we were undergraduates from 1958 through 1963. He was my first roommate at Old Redwood Hall upon arrival at HSC. He was truly a brother in the bond in many ways. Rene’ was always at the heart of Theta Epsilon chapter at that time. He was particularly known for his sociability and energy he brought to the group. We could be quietly studying or reading in the common living area of 1030 C street as well as Laurel Drive and when Rene’ arrived, we would put down our books and engage in famous bull sessions about anything, campus politics, football, who was seen courting whom, professors, and the next idea for a party. Rene, as social chairman, could plan, organize, and deliver great parties. A couple of parties were legion at the time. One of Rene’s creations was the Roaring 20s party in 1960 when we and our dates dressed in costumes obtained from local pawn shops. We had a 4-member Dixieland band that could be heard several blocks away. There must have been at least 50 people at 1030 C indulging in the keg, dancing, and just having great fun. The following Monday, I was called into the Dean of Men’s office, E. Ned Girrard, to speak to the party. E. Ned said to me, “I heard you guys had quite a party on Saturday night.” I responded, “Yes, Dr. Girrard, a great time was had by all.” Dr. Girrard then said, “We have complaints from the neighbors about the noise level, and next time, please tone it down (wink, wink).” E. Ned was truly an advocate for our fledgling fraternity and very much wanted us to succeed. The last time I saw Rene’ was about 20 years ago and we had dinner along with his boys. I instantly admired the dad he was to his sons. He was a dedicated husband, father, teacher, and a brother in the bond.
Gary Peterson #2